tappr.tv is a new iOS app for visual scratching. What's visual scratching? Well, DJs play music and scratch records, but VJs only seem to play videos… I wanted a more interactive visual experience.
Here are some samples of visual scratching:
In tappr.tv, you have a selection of visual "instruments" that you can choose from, and then multi-touch and gesture to play the instrument on your screen. On the iPad, the interface looks like this:
And on the iPhone and iPod Touch, the interface looks like this:
You can make all the controls go away by tapping the Fullscreen button in the lower right corner.
There are 20 instruments included with tappr.tv, and here is a gallery of some of my favorites:
If that wasn't enough, you have two options for even more instruments!
First, you can tap the Download button (at the top of the instrument list), and browse the available instrument packs. Packs include streaks, circles, sticks, etc.
Alternatively, you can generate random instruments by tapping the Random button (also at the top of the instrument list).
If you find an instrument you like, tap the Star button and give your new instrument a witty name!
As you play with various instruments, you can take snapshots of them by touching the Camera button (in the upper right corner on iPad and lower left corner on iPhone/iPod). This will start a time-series of 5 snapshots, 1 per second.
After the snapshots are captured, you'll be taken to the snapshots view, where you can browse and view the various snapshots for the current instrument. If you see one you like, share it by tapping the Action button in the lower-right corner. You can share your snapshot to Facebook, to Twitter, via Email, and more.
One last feature, for iPad only right now… video out! This requires a video out cable, of course, which come in two varieties. A composite or component cable will support a 480p resolution, while a VGA cable will 1024x768. And of course, it just works… plug in the cable, and the instrument plays on the TV while you still have all your controls on the iPad.
This is just the beginning for tappr.tv, too. If you're curious about our roadmap, tap the Home button at the top of the instruments list, then drop into the Settings area to see what features we're planning next!
tappr.tv has been submitted to Apple for approval, and should be in the app store by mid-December 2010.
I hope you love tappr.tv as much as I do. Tweet us your thoughts @tapprtv